No Clever Title This Time…

I’ve been really emotional lately and when I’m emotional that means I think about sad/negative things. I’ve realized that I don’t want to be an English teacher for the rest of my life and when I think about leaving my kids at Daito it makes me sad. I love those kids and when I leave (which is inevitable) I will be an inconsolable mess. I’ve made a real connection with some of the kids, it makes me feel good.

The other thing that I’ve been thinking about is he fact that one of my best friends is leaving Japan in December. Laicie. She’s been so great through everything and is such an amazing person. And another great friend is moving to Osaka this month :(. I’m going to miss you, Kentaro!.

I guess instead of dwelling on the negative I can look at all the happiness all of these people have brought into my life and be grateful that I was able to meet them. I am truly grateful for all the great people I have in my life right now, some of which are far away but I’m still feeling the love and support. You all know who you are. 🙂

So that’s my sappy post. No more, I promise.

Banana xoxox ❤

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