I made it through in one piece, somehow and now I’m on vacation until August 24th. Woo-Hoo!!! What am I going to do with all that time?? Well, I have a few things in mind…

– catch up with people I haven’t seen in a long time
– drink lots of coffee
– eat lots of food
– listen to lots of new music
– write, write, write
– read. I have a lot of books sitting around collecting dust that need to be read
– volunteer on an organic farm at the base of Mt. Fuji (still waiting to hear back)
– have fun and enjoy the summer!

This video is a bit of what transpired during my last day at one of my schools. The kids get in their swimsuits, grab their buckets and try to catch as many dojos (small eel-like fish) and eels as they possibly can to take home to mom so she can cook them for supper. It was super fun to watch, some of the kids filled their buckets to the brim. Mmmm.

In other news starting next week I have a new job. Bye bye Interac, bye bye teaching. I’ll be an art room assistant/teacher for an international preschool. I’m really excited for something new especially something that will be as busy as this position will be. Yay me!! It took a million resumes and a bunch of rejections but I finally found something and I couldn’t be happier. Apparently the staff were super excited and wanted me over all the other candidates. I guess I made an impression. Better job = less stress.

Anyway, thats the latest.


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